ワシントンDCで開催されたEuro Asia Shorts 2019(5/31-6/7)最終日、イタリア大使館でのAll Country&USAプログラムにて「Good Night」が上映されました。
Good Night が上映されている場面も出ます。
上映後のディスカッション&観客コメントタイムでは、Good Nightが一番好きと発言してくださった観客が3名もいらっしゃったそうです。
Good Night was screened at last day on the Euro Asia Shorts in Washington, D.C.
Fri. June 7, 6:00 pm
All Countries & USA program
'Euro Asia Shorts 2019' held May 31 to June 7.
It was very honor to me that film coordinator of Japan Information & Culture Center, Embassy of Japan, offer me about screening directly.
And It made News!
I hear that from my friend who joined it, three audiences commented 'Good Night is my favorite'. and someone commented 'I am glad that characters played with toys creatively, because children always use smartphone now. and it is great that brothers got many experiences in their dreams and grow up'. at discussion & comment time after screening.
I'm so glad my film connected anew audiences through this event.
I really appreciate that the Euro Asia Shorts invited my film.