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Bay Area International Children's Film Festival

· GoodNight

Day1, Feb.16.2019

Bay Area International Children's Film Festival1日目です

私の英語力を理解してもらい、Q&Aじゃなくて、Introduce myself にしてもらって、ステージで必死で話してきました。


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It’s amazing film festival for kids and family!!!
Many films that came from all over the world were screened to two big planetarium.
I just introduced myself. I could understand Q&A is so hard for me.
Actually, I came back to hotel with tears because I feel disappointed with my English, but I know I should change the power to motivation.
I’m so happy because smile and warm clapping from many audiences gave me big love!
I'm so glad I could join it.
And especially I appreciate kindness of staffs, other filmmakers and audiences.

Day2, Feb.17.2019

Bay Area International Children's Film Festival2日目

2日目もintroduce myself してきました。2日目はほんの少しだけ、カンペにないことも話せました。文法の酷い私の話を聞いてくれて、笑顔で拍手までしてくれる観客の皆さま、司会のJim(伝説級のStory artistです)には感謝しかありません。







I introduced myself again on the 2nd day.
I appreciate that audience and Jim (co-producer and legend of story artist) accepted my broken English warmly.

Fortunately someone requested me sign. It was my first time sign!
But I was super nervous and my hands was too shaking, so my first time sign was terrible! haha...

I was just so glad that I could watch and feel audiences are enjoying my film then.
It was great experience for me. And it is very important thing for my creative works.

And my friends living SF joined festival together. They took me to many beautiful places in SF, so I could meet the Master at ILM. Thank you so much.

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Day3, Feb.18.2019


We visited PIXAR.
I’m full of gratitude for you, Jim.
I had a wonderful time with friends of BAICFF.
I could feel and learn many things!

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About Jim & Traveled hats


Jim Capobianco は、私が参加したBay Area International Children's Film Festivalの責任者であり、そして伝説級のアーティストです。
「レミーのおいしいレストラン」脚本でアカデミー賞ノミネート、その他数えきれない経歴をもち、最新作「メリーポピンズ リターンズ」のアニメーションスーパーバイザーです。


そして、子供達の分身として持って行った「帽子たち」にJimとLee Unkrichのサインをいただきました。またJason Katzにも会えました。多分一生分の運を使い切りました。。。

映画the Rockの舞台アルカトラズを見て、映画祭会場やピクサーにも行って、無事お家に帰ってきました。


BAICFF's Co-Producer, Jim Capobianco, is Nominee of Academy Awards as Writer of Ratatouille and the Animation Supervisor for Disney's Mary Poppins Returns.
Actually I didn't know who is producer of this festival when my film was selected.
I realized that after I communicated to him some times by email. I thought 'OMG! Is this Jim that Jim?!'
I was so glad to see Jim. He was unbelievably kind. I really appreciate Jim.

And I traveled in bay area with three little hats. Those were my son's other selves. They saw Alcatraz and went the festival and Pixar with me. Fortunately they got signs of Jim and Lee Unkrich. And I could meet Jason Katz.
Maybe I used up my luck... but we are so happy!

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